Your Song
- Музыка:
- Элтон Джон (Elton John)
- Исполнитель:
- John Elton (Джон Элтон)
- Формат:
- Размер файла:
- 399.8 Кб
- Загрузили:
- 6200 раз
См. также: ноты произведения Song For Guy для фортепиано и вокала

Смотрите также ноты песен John Elton:
G Cmaj7 D/F# Bm It's a little bit funny... Em Em/D Em/C C I'm not one of those ... G/D D B7/D# Em I don't have much money... G Am7 C D I'd buy a big house where.... If I was a sculpter, ... My gift is my song and .... { play G instead of D at end of verses 2 and 4 } CH: D/F# Em Am C And you can tell ... D/F# Em Am C It may be quite simple .. Em Em/D I hope you don't mind... Em/C C that I put down ... G/B C C D How wonderful life is, .... repeat chorus, repeating last two lines ( from I hope) twice. And changing last D to G D |GMaj7 |A |GMaj7 [intro] D |Dsus D |D |Dsus D [intro] D |GMaj7 |A |F#m It's a little bit funny.... Bm |Bm/a |Bm/g# |G I'm not one of those .... D |A |F# |Bm Don't have much money.... D |G |G |A I'd buy a big house ... Asus |D |GMaj7 |A If I was ... then again, F#m |Bm |Bm/a |Bm/g# no, or a man who .... travelling show G |D |A |F# I know it's not much, but ... Bm |D |G |G My gift is my song .... D |Dsus D |A |Bm And you .... that Em |G |A |Bm this is your .... simple but Em |G |Bm |Bm/a now that it's .... don't mind Bm/g# |G |G |D that I put down in .... wonderful G |G |D |Dsus D life is while you're .... D |Dsus D |D |GMaj7 I sat on .... and A |F#m |Bm |Bm/a kicked off the moss Well..., they got Bm/g# |G |D |A me quite cross but ... F# |Bm |D |G while I wrote this song it's ... keep it G |A |Asus |D turned on So e... me for- GMaj7 |A |F#m |Bm -getting, but these ... sometimes I've Bm/a |Bm/g# |G |D forgotten if they're .... anyway the A |F# |Bm |D thing is what I really .... the G |G |D |Dsus D sweetest eyes I've .... A |Bm |Em |G And you can tell everybody .... A |Bm |Em |G It may be quite simple .... Bm |Bm/a |Bm/g# |G I hope u don't mind, I hope u .... G |D |G |G how .... A |A |Bm |Bm/a world I hope u .... don't mind Bm/f# |G |G |D that I put down in words, .... G |G |D |Dsus D life is with you ... D |Dsus D |D |Dsus D